Black Theatre
Black Theatre
"Black Theatre" (shadow theater) uses a simple trick to genius - a major role played by actors dressed
in black, whom viewers will not see on a dark background, and so objects in their hands seem to
move freely in space. Originally black theater appeared in the Czech Republic at the end of 90 years
of the last century and it created a furor! From the all Europe spectators gathered to look at this
amazing view. It now affects its brilliance and the world pass by. It seems that artists move in the air
and there are not effective force of attraction. As a rule, here are selected the best dancers and
actors of the country. Shadow Theatres in Prague a lot, but the most popular two of them. One is
located near Wenceslas Square in the street Rytířská , and the second on the famous Pařížská street
where are located all the branded stores of Prague.
An independent, private theater based on the synthesis of black theater, contemporary dance,
contemporary music and pantomime. Theatre offers the audience a cultural entertainment,
enjoyment of good music and beautiful dance and all this with a mixture of a large dose of liberating
humor. The black darkness of black theater is full of surprises. From the mysterious depths of the
black cabinet appear fanciful paintings. Some of Actors are not visible, other can be seen well,
sometimes very close. You look at an sceen and a lot to think out for yourself, it's really interesting
game of actors, light, music and imagination.
The average ticket price is 20 euros. Ticket sales at the box office every day from 10.00 to 20.00
hours. You can buy tickets on the spot, but if you decide to visit the theater on Friday or over the
weekend, it is best to reserve in advance on the website. Places are not numbered. Hall theater
opens 20 minutes before the performance.
On The Map
All Colours Black Light Theatre
Rytířská 31, Prague 1, 110 00
Divadlo Image
Pařížská 4, Prague. Theatre
More detailed information about the tickets and the way how to get to the theater can be found on
their official websites.
Wish you pleasant viewing!